Simple lessons on the history and nature of American Government.
America is an experiment. Americans refine and adapt their institutions through trial and error. The most important lesson about American Government is that “We’re in this together.” The Government is an extension of the individual and local communities.
It’s the duty of each citizen to learn his country’s history and know something about its form of government. This knowledge provides practical lessons for us today. We study history to profit from the experience of our ancestors. Political questions are constantly being discussed that effect our lives and property, issues which many of our ancestors dealt with. Sometimes they were successful, sometimes they failed. We owe it to ourselves and our neighbors to be as informed as possible. For if these political questions aren’t settled with wisdom they will be settled with ignorance. This is bad for everyone. James Madison said:
“A popular Government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.”
This series is intended to educate and to unite. We’re in this together. Enjoy!
Part 1: Taxes and Government
01 – What Are Taxes?
02 – What Is Government?
Part 2: Foundations
03 – The First Governments
04 – America Isn’t Static; It’s A Living Experiment
05 – What Is Federalism?
Part 3: The Township
06 – Jefferson’s Passion: The Township
07 – Organization of the New England Township
08 – The Revolution is the Product of the Town
09 – The New England Township Offices
10 – The New England Town Meeting
11 – The Origins of the Township
12 – Parish, Manor, and Township
13 – Units of Representation: The Key to Freedom
Part 4 The County
14 – The Origin of the County
15 – The Ancient English Shire-Mote
16 – The English Bring the Shire to America