Election Day 2020 Preparation – By Daniel Sheridan
With last night’s debates, the 2020 Presidential race is underway! What do you say we take the next sixteen months to study our party-blind Constitution? Beginning today, I will be posting short studies on the U.S. Constitution – line-by-line – beginning with the Preamble. By Election Day, we will have read and learned something about every line of our governing document.
The Constitution, which includes the Articles and Amendments, is just under eight thousand words. A straight read-through takes about 30 minutes – easy peasy.
Every American should read it. If you can find time to watch your favorite shows, listen to your favorite songs, and attend your favorite sporting events, you can certainly take the time to read the document that makes us Americans.
The Constitution and its Amendments tell the story of America. Each citizen should take some time to get to know what it says and why. We should seek to discover the intent of the Founders and the Amenders, for these were seeking answers to problems Americans were facing at the time. Did they solve those problems? Did they fail to foresee and provide for future complications? Is there something we can do to make things better?
If we are to make a difference in our day, we should know who we are and where we’ve been. I look forward to learning with you. We’re in this together.
The U.S. Constitution: Read it. Know it. Share it.